Buddha’s Café – 100% vegan – Tuktuk, Lake Toba

Indonesië Op reis
18 februari 2020

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    This unexpected 100% vegan hotspot in a gorgeous, hidden garden just outside Tuktuk on Samosir island is an absolute must-try when visiting Lake Toba on Sumatra. For both vegans and not-yet-vegans!

    Vegan Café with amazing food, drinks in a peaceful garden with lake views
    Address: PR46+F5W, Martoba, Simanindo, Samosir Regency, North Sumatra

    This hidden gem is situated just north of Tuktuk, out of the touristic center, pretty randomly alongside the road. Take a tuk tuk or ride your scooter to get here. Once through the big gates, you enter the beautifully kept garden full of mosaics and with a gorgeous view over the lake. You will love this place before even tasting the food.

    We ended up going back here three times. We almost never do that while travelling, but we just had to. Even if it was only for the most delicious vegan rendang we’ve had in our lives.

    In the pictures you see: 

    • Potato rendang – to this day, we never again found rendang this good
    • Bami
    • Iced Java Coffee – get these, they’re delicious
    • Crispy tempeh Sticks with Peanut Sauce – best tempeh we’ve had in Indonesia. Asked for two extra portions to take away.
    • Indian Curry (below)
    Indian Curry with a view

    Indian Curry with a view

    Although a lot of Indonesian street food is accidentally vegan – as I described in this article – a 100% vegan restaurant is rare on Sumatra. Especially outside the capital. So when we learned about Buddha’s Café, we just had to visit and I think you should too!



    Hi! Ik ben Dennis, bioloog gespecialiseerd in dierenwelzijn en ethiek en een diehard vegan foodie die jou graag laat zien hoe makkelijk, leuk, divers en logisch een vegan lifestyle is.  

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